Nothing affects your lifestyle more than your 3 digit credit score. It determines the car you drive, your housing and many times, your job. You want your credit score to be as high as possible to show lenders that you are trustworthy with credit. Let us review your credit reports for free and see if we can help you clean up your credit and raise your credit score.
Our Texas Credit Repair Firm Is Here To Help
We have been helping consumers clean up their credit reports since 2007. Over the years, we have sued the credit bureaus thousands of times. Through discovery, we have learned a great deal about how they function and how they sometimes actually hurt consumers’ credit standing. We can help you maximize your credit score because we know what to look for on your credit reports.

Free Credit Report Review & Repair
Join our “3 for Free” program. We will review your credit reports for free and write up to 3 dispute letters for you, for free. In our experience, if you have to write more than 1 dispute letter to a credit bureau, you are wasting your time and money. We write 1 very good letter to each credit bureau and if they do not fix the problem we sue. Our lawsuits cost you nothing because we collect our fees and costs from the defendants.
Filing Lawsuits Against Credit Reporting Agencies
Over the years, we filed numerous lawsuits against the credit bureaus. We know how they think and how they handle credit disputes. Chances are that your dispute letters will be sent overseas to someone who will look at it cursorily and do very little to fix the problems.
Stop Debt Collector Calls & Harassment
Have you been harassed by a debt collector? We can stop the harassment and make the debt collector pay you. Debt collectors can be vicious and many times, they ignore the law. They cannot call you before 8 am or after 9 p.m. and when you tell them to stop calling you, they have to stop. They are also not allowed to threaten you. Call us today for a free, no obligation consultation. We are happy to help you.
Our 3 For Free Credit Repair Program
Join our “3 for Free” program where we will review your credit reports for free and write up to 3 dispute letters on your behalf. In our experience, writing more than 1 dispute letter to a credit bureau is a waste of your time. We write 1 dispute letter and if they dont fix the issue, we file a lawsuit. Our lawsuits cost you nothing out of pocket because under the law, the defendants are responsible for our fees and costs.
We Specialize In Helping Consumers Fix Their Credit Scores
Identifying Questionable Negative Items That Are Wrongfully Hurting Your Credit score
We have reviewed thousands of credit reports over the years. We can not only identify known errors and mistakes, but those that are so subtle that unless you have experience reading credit reports, you would not even know about them. We have dedicated our practice to helping consumers to achieve the credit scores that they deserve.
If The Derogatory Mark Is An Error, We Can Send a Dispute Letter For The Credit Bureaus
See our 3 for Free program above. We are happy to write and send up to 3 dispute letters on your behalf for free. If you are paying for credit repair, you are paying too much.
Our Texas Credit Lawyers Fix Peoples Credit Reports In a Legally & Trustworthy Manner
The Fair Credit Reporting Act Protects Consumers
You should know the difference between a credit repair law firm and a credit repair company. We are a credit repair law firm. We charge you nothing out of pocket and we file lawsuits. Credit repair companies, on the other hand, charge you monthly fees for writing letters which are usually bogus. Let us fix your credit reports in a legal and sustainable manner.
Accurate & Free Credit Report Review In Texas
If you are a Texas resident, we offer a free and confidential credit report review. Our lawyers will go over your credit report with you and help you to spot any errors or omissions. We will also help you to understand your rights under the law and what you can do to improve your credit score.
Defend Your Rights Against The Credit Reporting Bureaus
If You Find Errors On Your Credit Report, You Are Entitled To Dispute The Issue
Under the law, you are in charge of making sure that your credit report is accurate. Once you discover an inaccuracy, then you must notify the credit bureaus of it. Let us take the guesswork out of the process for you. We are happy to review your credit reports for free and send the right dispute letters on your behalf. If we have to file a lawsuit, we do not charge you any fees or costs out of pocket.
What Our Clients Say About Our Credit Repair Lawyers
With the assistance of Credit Repair Lawyers of America, I have learned to be patient, ask questions and let the professionals do their job. They identified a major error on my credit report, and as a result, I am more conscientious and knowledgeable about what’s entailed on my credit report. The process seemed long but there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Thanks Credit Repair Lawyers of America, you are appreciated.
Thanks Credit Repair Lawyers of America, you are appreciated.
Yolanda Harrel-Fenton
They been helping me for years monitoring my credit and fixing error I don’t catch, great team.
Katy Rodriguez
5.0 ★★★★★
I love the results that I received from Credit Repair Lawyers. All my questions were answered and I didn’t have to wait.
Carla Piersen
5.0 ★★★★★
This company was very helpful with my case. They kept me informed and it was a very smooth experience.
Quonya Williams
5.0 ★★★★★
We File Lawsuits On Behalf Of Our Clients Against Credit Reporting Agencies, Creditor, Or Debt Collector
Over the years, we have filed thousands of lawsuits against lenders, credit reporting agencies, debt buyers and debt collectors. Put our many years of experience to work on your behalf.
Contact Texas’s Leading Credit Repair Lawyers
Schedule A Free & Confidential Case Consultation Today!
Call or email us for a free no obligation consultation. We are happy to review your credit reports for free and send up to 3 dispute letters on your behalf at no charge to you. You can also email us at [email protected] for more information.