Put Our Experience to Work for You
At Credit Repair Lawyers of America in Michigan, we’ve made a name for ourselves as the law firm that fights the credit reporting agencies and wins. If Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion won’t take the errors off your credit reports, then we sue them. It’s that simple. We also stop abusive debt collectors and offer expert assistance to identity theft victims with damaged credit reports. Take a moment to glance over our online reviews and testimonials from past clients. You’ll see that we’ve built a solid reputation in the state of Michigan by consistently meeting the needs of our clients and exceeding their expectations. So if you are unsure about your credit report then contact us for a Free consultation. We’ll take a look at your credit report together. Call Attorney Gary Nitzkin today at (248) 353-2882.
Credit Repair
Many Michigan consumers with damaged credit reports may not know that there is a problem. They don’t realize that creditors and credit agencies often make mistakes. In fact about 80% of credit reports contain errors, and about half of these errors are harmful to credit scores. So there’s a very good chance that you need credit repair.
We believe that all Michigan consumers deserve accurate credit reports, and we also think that credit repair shouldn’t cost a fortune. Yes, there are big credit repair law firms that charge high monthly fees for filling out and mailing form letters, but that’s not how we do business. Instead, we’ve worked out a model that helps the consumer most by ensuring that only the responsible parties pay. After all, YOU didn’t put those errors on your credit reports. So why should you have to foot the bill for their removal?

Identity Theft Recovery
Victims of identity theft experience not only financial loss but emotional stress and credit report damage. To make matters worse, creditors and the credit reporting agencies aren’t always cooperative when it comes to getting fraudulent items removed from credit reports. We make this process easier and less frustrating because we do most of the work. At Credit Repair Lawyers of America in Michigan, we help identity theft victims by writing dispute letters on their behalf, making sure that their documents are in order, and, if necessary, filing lawsuits. Again, we offer all of these services at no cost to our clients.
Debt Collector Harassment Relief
Abusive debt collectors stop at nothing when pursuing their targets, often engaging in harassment. What many consumers don’t realize is that many of the tactics used by these unscrupulous debt collectors violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). By harassing you, they are breaking the law, and you don’t have to put up with it. Credit Repair Lawyers of America in Michigan has a long history of suing abusive debt collectors and winning. We WILL make them stop, and there’s a chance that they’ll end up paying YOU for damages.
How do we provide credit repair?
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), the law that we use, the credit bureaus and lenders are responsible for paying our fees and costs. Hence, we can get your credit report fixed and clean at no charge to you.
Talk To A Credit Repair Lawyer for Free
Let’s start the conversation about how Credit Repair Lawyers of America in Michigan can help you. Whether you need assistance with your credit reports or an abusive debt collector, we’ll work hard to find a quick solution. We also offer credit report recovery services to victims of identity theft.
Call us at (248) 353-2882 or send Gary Nitzkin a message at [email protected] to set up a free, no-obligation consultation.
Credit Repair Lawyers of America
22142 W Nine Mile Rd
Atlanta, GA 30326
[email protected]
Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Weekends: By Appointment Only