We Stop Debt Collector Harassment

No one wants to deal with endless phone calls and letters from debt collectors, especially when the communication becomes abusive. Unfortunately though, debt collector harassment is a growing problem in Pennsylvania. Even though a federal statute called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits debt collectors from engaging in certain tactics, they still overstep their boundaries. Some abusive debt collectors think they can get away with anything because harassed consumers are afraid to speak up.

However, Pennsylvania consumers should know that their rights are protected by the FDCPA, regardless of whether they owe money or not. Debt collectors are required to treat you with respect, and if they don’t, then they may be fined or even put out of business. At any rate, you can put a stop to debt collector harassment, and Credit Repair Lawyers of America can help.

Debt Collector Harassment

Common Forms of Debt Collector Harassment in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvanians face many types of abuse from debt collectors, but these are the forms of harassment we most frequently see. Debt collectors violate the FDCPA when they:

  • Tell consumers they owe more money than they actually do;
  • Threaten debtors with either jail time, property confiscation, or public humiliation;
  • Yell at consumers, use harsh language against them, or attack them on a personal level;
  • Discuss a debtor’s situation with family members, friends, or work associates;
  • Call consumers before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM (Pennsylvania time).

Stop Debt Collector Harassment.

Pennsylvania consumers harassed by debt collectors don’t have to deal with the abuse. If a debt collector mistreats you in any way, then give us a call. We sue debt collectors that violate the FDCPA, and this statute requires them to cover our costs and fees in successful actions. This is why you pay nothing for the work we do and may even have the chance to make the debt collector pay YOU for damages. No matter what, we will put a stop to the phone calls and letters, and help you reclaim your life.

Talk To A Credit Repair Lawyer for Free

Let’s start a conversation about how we can help you with your credit issues. Call attorney Gary Nitzkin to schedule a free, no obligation consultation, or email him through our contact page.

Sue. Settle. Smile.

    Credit Repair Lawyers of America

    2401 Walnut St Suite 102
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    [email protected]

    Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
    Weekends: By Appointment Only

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