Credit Repair Lawyers of America
3355 Lenox Road #750
AtlantaGA, 30326

Credit Repair Lawyers of America also serves in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm

Credit Repair Lawyers of America

3355 Lenox Road #750
AtlantaGA, 30326

Credit Repair Lawyers of America also serves in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, and Ohio.

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm

Credit Card

American Express is the preferred card of Sleazy Strip Clubs who rip off their customers.

This is not a joke. Our firm represents consumers against banks and credit reporting agencies.  One of the services that we provide is credit card disputes for our clients.  We have seen a large uptick in these claims due to identity theft.  But here is something that we are starting to see more of:

Recently, we have received several calls from men who have walked into strip clubs only to have their American Express card taken from them and charged for tens of thousands of dollars.  In several instances, the sleazy strip club operator fleeced their customer for over $100,000.  Here is the worst part.  American Express has steadfastly stood by the merchant.  Why?  Because Amex knows that most people wont do anything about it.  They will either eat the loss or file bankruptcy because the consumer does not know his rights.

If you have been a victim of a sleazy merchant (or strip club) who placed bogus charges on your Amex account, we can fight back for you at NO OUT OF POCKET CHARGE.

Under the law that governs credit card disputes, you have a right to dispute bogus charges to your credit card account.  When you timely make such a dispute, the bank must investigate it (which many times, it does not).  When the bank declines your credit card dispute, you must either sue the bank or demand arbitration.

What you need to do when Amex declines your credit card dispute.

In the numerous cases that we have litigated with Amex, they generally decline credit card disputes stating that it believes that the merchant is correct and that the debt was incurred by the customer, when it was not.  Usually, Amex just does a really poor job of investigating your dispute.  But because they don’t want to eat the loss, they will do everything in their power to make you pay the debt.  Don’t pay a debt that you did not incur.

The 3 Rules for Handling Your Credit Card Dispute with Amex.

Rule 1 – Document everything.  Keep a copy of every email that you get and receive from Amex.  When  you call them, write it down in a journal somewhere.  I will eventually need it for the arbitration case that our firm will have to inevitably file on your behalf.

Rule 2 – When Amex declines your dispute, call us at (404) 591-6680 and let us help you at no out of pocket charge.  Under the law, we can and do make Amex pay our fees and costs for representing you.  You should that you have only 1 year from the date that Amex declines  your dispute to sue it or demand arbitration.

Rule 3 – Email or use the bank’s portal to make your dispute in writing.  If your dispute is about an unauthorized use of your account such as identity theft, then you can call it in.  But keep a copy of your email or text to Amex from the portal and write down each call you make to Amex and the date that you made it.

Steps to take when you have a credit card dispute with Amex

Step 1 – Make your dispute quickly.  When you notice something not right on your credit card account, you have 60 days to dispute it with the bank.  Generally, your billing error dispute must be in writing.  These include a bank’s failure to credit your account with a payment or any other accounting error.  If your dispute is that your account was used by someone who was not authorized to incur charges, then you can call your dispute into Amex.

Step 2Make sure that Amex acknowledges your dispute in writing.  Under the law, Amex has to send you a written acknowledgment of your dispute.  Keep this email or letter.

Step 3Look for the results of your dispute.  Under the law, Amex has 60 days or 2 billing cycles resolve your dispute either in your favor (not likely) or its favor.

Step 4 – when Amex declines your dispute, contact us at (404) 591-6680  Give us the documents related to your dispute. We will handle your matter at no out of pocket charge to you.

Arbitration or a Court Case?

In your credit card agreement, American Express stuck in an arbitration provision which allows it to dismiss your lawsuit and move the case into arbitration.  For non lawyers, this is like the Twilight Zone.  Arbitration is a private forum usually conducted by the American Arbitration Association or the Judicial Arbitration and Medication Services (“JAMS”).  Its not nearly as user friendly as a court system.

You might be tempted to file a small claims case against Citi, but that would be a mistake for two reasons.  First, Amex’s lawyers fight and win these cases all the time because consumers who are not lawyers, don’t know the law or the procedure.

Secondly, many times, Amex will convince the judge that it is entitled to arbitration and on that basis, get your court case dismissed.

Handling a credit card dispute is not a good do it yourself project, especially when there are attorneys who will handle the matter for you on a no out of pocket basis.

Don’t Get Stuck Paying a Bill that is Not Yours. CALL US TODAY.

Contact us at (404) 591-6680 or email me, Attorney Gary Nitzkin at or a free, no obligation consultation.  We have litigated a number of credit card disputes with Citi and have obtained success for our clients, all at no out of pocket charge to them.  We can help you, too.