Did you or are you going to file for bankruptcy?
A bankruptcy discharge only gets you halfway to a financial fresh start. A clean and accurate credit report gets you all the way to the goal. At Credit Repair Lawyers of America, we help you get a financial fresh start. As Credit Repair attorneys, we fix errors and mistakes on credit reports under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA).

PROBLEM: Credit Reporting Problems special to people who file bankruptcy.
As if it’s not bad enough that 80% of all credit reports have errors or mistakes on them; people who file for bankruptcy face these extra risks of damage:
- Debts not reported as discharged;
- Bankruptcy not reported as discharged;
- Debts that are reaffirmed and reported as discharged;
- Late payments reported after bankruptcy;
- Mortgage loans paid after BK for which payments are not reported;
- Debt collectors reporting and attempting to collect discharged debts.
Our Fresh Start Credit Program solves these problems. (If we must file a lawsuit, we make the defendants pay our fees and costs). Our program works like this:
- About 3 to 6 months after you file for bankruptcy, we will review your credit reports.
- If we find errors and mistakes, we will get them removed at no charge to you.
- If we must file suit, we charge our fees and costs to the credit bureaus and lenders.