5 Reasons You Should Call A Credit Repair Lawyer Before A Credit Card Consolidation Featured Image
While credit card consolidation may seem like a good idea, the benefits don’t always outweigh the risk, especially if you require credit repair services. It is best to meet with a credit repair lawyer before credit card consolidation so that you are not stuck with high-interest costs that could be minimized.
A credit repair lawyer has your best interest in mind. You want to go into a credit card consolidation armed with knowledge regarding your credit score and any errors that may be present on your credit report. The better your credit score, the lower the interest rates you will get on your credit card consolidation.
There are 5 reasons why you should meet with a credit repair lawyer to check your credit report before consolidating your credit card debt:
If a debt is older than 7-years, then it is not valid and cannot be counted against your credit score.
If a retailer is no longer in business, then that debt can be eliminated from your report.
There may be some charges that were not made by you due to theft or processing errors.
If there is someone with a name close to yours, then it is possible that their negative marks are being attributed to your credit report. It is also possible that your positive credit score history is credited to that person’s account.
A credit repair lawyer will scan your report for any bankruptcy mistakes that are not supposed to be associated with your account.
There is room for error in credit reports, and as many as 5% of Americans have a mistake on their report that could significantly raise their credit score once addressed. Before you qualify for an interest rate for credit card consolidation, meet with a credit repair lawyer, and work on raising your credit score.
It is best to shop around when looking for credit card consolidation services. Do not take the first offer you see. You can compare the fees and monthly repayment plans. And you can get different interest rate quotes. Be careful to do the research before taking action, as even applying for consolidation can take a ding at your credit.
You can consider a secured loan. Or you can ask a bank with which you have a history to take a chance on you.
If you are trying to get a credit card consolidation with bad credit, then many lenders may ask you to wait until your credit score is improved. This is when you would get in touch with a credit repair lawyer to make that change happen quickly.
If you need help with credit repair, our team can look through your report and identify the errors. With our services, the mistakes on your report will be eliminated, and you will be on the road to a better credit score. Contact us and schedule an appointment today for your free review of your credit report.
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