Here is how to file a credit card
dispute with your credit card company
The process is pretty straight forward. The things you need to do to protect yourself are:
What happens if the credit card company does not remove the charge?
Short answer
You have to sue them to get the charge removed
Medium answer
You should sue the credit card company and the merchant.
Best answer
Sue the credit card company and merchant with a law firm that does not charge you fees and costs until you collect your money from the defendants and only looks to what is collected to get paid. That is what we do.
Let us draft the right dispute letter for you. We take the time to understand your complaint and advise you of what can be done about it. Our advice is free. We charge you nothing for the dispute letter. If we have to sue the merchant or the credit card company, our fees and costs get paid when we collect from these defendants.

Write a letter to the company
Send a written dispute letter to the credit card company. Usually, you can use the credit card statement for this purpose. Identify the charge and the problem you have with it. Note – your dispute must be received by the credit card company within 60 days from the date of the credit card statement

They must acknowledge it
The credit card company must acknowledge receipt of your dispute within 30 days of receiving it. Do not pay the charge or any related interest while its in dispute

They must investigate
The credit card company must investigate your dispute. They cannot simply take the merchant’s word. They must review documents that show yout individual liability for the charge

They must give you results of the investigation
If credit card company finds the merchant is in error, they must credit you for the charge and any related interest. If they find against you, they must explain why. You have a right to ask for documentation showing you liability

What if they find against you?
You can sue the credit card company and the merchant for the errant or bogus charges. You can get actual and statutory damages along with costs and attorneys fees if you are successful.

Call us for a free, no obligation consultation. We can handle your credit card dispute for you. If they don’t see things our way and we litigate, we will not charge you anything out of pocket
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