The Perks of Having a Good Credit Score in Arizona
Arizona consumers should know that a good credit score comes with far more than just bragging rights. Here are a few reasons to give your credit rating a boost.
Arizona consumers should know that a good credit score comes with far more than just bragging rights. Here are a few reasons to give your credit rating a boost.
In case they don’t know, here are a few of the things that Ohio consumers should know about debt collectors and the term, “beyond statute.”
Yes, many Michigan merchants get away with charging more for credit card purchases, and here are the reasons why they are within their legal rights to do so.
Often, certain types of businesses in Arizona offer instant credit – or “on-the-spot” credit options. Normally, these businesses provide potentially expensive services. For example, when Arizona consumers visit auto garages, hospitals, or veterinary clinics, they may face heavy charges when they leave. Then, if they don’t have the immediate means to cover the cost of [...]
Here are a few of the reasons why Pennsylvania consumers should be careful with using balance transfer credit cards to pay off credit card debt.
For Florida consumers struggling to help their elderly parents escape credit card debt, here are a few useful tips. You can also use this information to help with your own debt.
In order to protect themselves, here are a few important things that fraud victims in California should know about reload scams and sucker lists.
It may seem like a customer service, but here are a few of the ways in which overdraft protection can wreck budgets and ruin credit scores in Minnesota.
This Valentine’s Day, a lot of Illinois consumers will look for romance online. In fact, for a lot of singles – of all ages – in Illinois, online dating apps are the preferred means for meeting new people. Unfortunately, though, along with that special someone, scammers are out there and waiting to pounce. Knowing that [...]
Big News: The Attorney General in Georgia wiped out $8.8 million in consumer debt when he settled with an FDCPA violated debt collection agency.
In case you need inspiration, here are a few of the reasons why Ohio consumers should make a resolution to pay off credit card debt in the New Year.
How do debt collectors locate consumers in Michigan? Here are a few of the most common methods employed by debt collection agents.
In looking for creative ways to pay down credit card debt, New York consumers may wonder if they can use reward points. The short answer? Yes.
When it comes to credit scores, it’s hard for Georgia consumers to separate fact from fiction, but here’s the truth behind several popular credit score myths.
Whether or not pay-for-delete actually improves Pennsylvania credit scores depends on several important factors. Here’s what you need to know.