Jul 13, 2020

Top 6 Ways to Avoid Coronavirus Scammers from Ruining Your Credit

July 13th, 2020|Identity Thefts & Scams|

Top 6 Ways to Avoid Coronavirus Scammers from Ruining Your Credit COVID-19 has caused global uncertainty and disruption, with an unprecedented effect on daily living. As people are dealing with the fear of health and income concerns, they are turning to federal and state governments for the support and aid that is needed in these [...]

Jun 26, 2020

Is Your Identity in Danger? A Credit Lawyers Can help.

June 26th, 2020|Identity Thefts & Scams|

Is Your Identity in Danger? A Credit Lawyers Can help. As digital access has changed the way we do business, there are potential consequences to the never-ending flow of information. Identity theft is an increasing concern, especially with how quickly hackers can access personal information. If you suspect that your information might be compromised, then [...]

Jun 12, 2020

Is There a Difference Between Credit Repair and Credit Counseling?

June 12th, 2020|Credit Repair|

Is There a Difference Between Credit Repair and Credit Counseling? Having a good credit score is essential if you want to take control of your financial life. Not only does good credit give you access to lower interest rates, but you can also qualify for the credit cards, loans, and mortgages that are needed for [...]

May 10, 2020

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Proposes New Rules to Combat Improper Debt Collection

May 10th, 2020|Debt Issues|

Recent reporting by The Hill reveals that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has proposed new changes to the ways that debt collectors may contact consumers. The proposed rule changes also limit litigation that Debt Collectors may initiate as well as what information they may refer to Credit Reporting Agencies.  Debt collectors have long harassed [...]

Apr 27, 2020

Top 5 ways to Handle Credit Issues During COVID-19

April 27th, 2020|Credit Score, Debt Issues|

This week, 5.245 million new jobless claims were filed in the United States, which means that 22 million people have lost their jobs in the past month. In a few weeks, the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to nearly 18% due to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many people out of work, [...]

Apr 16, 2020

Can Zombie Debt be killed once and for all?

April 16th, 2020|Debt Issues|

Many Americans struggle to pay their bills and are forced to endure debt collector harassment on legitimate debt that by law are considered legitimate.  However, what can be even worse, is that some creditors seek to enforce “Zombie Debt”, a term describing old debt that some creditors have refused to let die. CBS Austin reports [...]

Apr 7, 2020

We now offer Free Student Loan Consultations

April 7th, 2020|Debt Issues|

We are pleased to announced our purchase StudentLoanMedix.com. We can now fix your student loans. We offer free Student Loan Consultations. We can advise you if you are in the right repayment program and if you are delinquent or in default, what you need to do to get your loans back on track.  We do [...]

Oct 28, 2019

What You Need To Know About Identity Theft

October 28th, 2019|Identity Thefts & Scams|

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the number one consumer complaint is in relation to identity theft and identity fraud. Learning the types of identity theft and fraud can help you know where theft and fraud may occur, and help you protect your assets and your identity.  While online identity theft occurs more frequently [...]

Aug 18, 2019

How Having Mortgage While Filing Chapter 13 Can Be Negative

August 18th, 2019|Bankruptcy, Credit Score, Debt Issues|

You were probably screwed on your credit report by your mortgage lender.  Mortgage loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, yet your mortgage lender probably reported your trade line as “included in bankruptcy.”  Guess what?  Your mortgage loan was NOT included in BK.  Hence, if you made payments to your lender AFTER you filed Chapter 13, [...]

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