Credit Repair

Jul 3, 2017

Right Now is a Good Time for Minnesota Consumers with Little to No Credit History to Start Building Good Credit Scores

July 3rd, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Minnesota consumers with little to know credit history can start building a good credit score right now using these simple tips.

Jun 30, 2017

Georgia Consumers shouldn’t Forget that Not All Identity Thieves Operate Online

June 30th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Some identity thieves are cyber hackers who use technology to steal personal data from Georgia consumers. However, identity theft can also be achieved through simple pick-pocketing.

Jun 29, 2017

Why Ohio Consumers should be on Guard against New Takes on Old Identity Theft Tactics

June 29th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Widespread use of Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) cards – payment cards equipped with computer chips – have reduced U.S. counterfeit card activity. However, identity thieves are just turning back to older tactics in order to profit from the stealing of sensitive consumer data. A method known as synthetic identity fraud has been around for [...]

Jun 27, 2017

Credit Building Strategies for Arizona Consumers with Bad Credit and Low Credit Card Spending Limits

June 27th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

For Arizona consumers who are trying to rebuild low credit scores, there’s good news and bad news. Right now, it’s a little easier for consumers with subprime credit to qualify for credit cards, but these cards are typically attached to smaller spending limits. This may help consumers by making it harder to accumulate vast amounts [...]

Jun 26, 2017

Getting Dispute Flags Taken Off may be Harder than You Think

June 26th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Your client has just applied for a mortgage. The problem:  you have pulled her credit and there is a collection item that is flagged as "disputed". These dispute flags give you pause. You know that you cannot get your client a mortgage with any item flagged as disputed. Then you ask your client about it and [...]

Jun 23, 2017

A Credit Repair Guide for Ohio Consumers with Bad Credit

June 23rd, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Realizing that you have bad credit is never fun. However, as an Ohio consumer, you should know that ignoring bad credit won’t make it go away. Luckily, bad credit can always be fixed. It may not happen overnight, but even severely damaged credit can rebuild over time. You might compare your credit situation with the Buckeye [...]

Jun 22, 2017

For Michigan Consumers Looking to Save Time: The Pros and Cons of Automatic Bill Payment with Debit or Credit Cards

June 22nd, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

If you’re a Michigan consumer who’s bad at keeping up with due dates, automatic bill payment with a debit or credit card can be a good strategy. Having your recurring expenses automatically paid can also save time and money spent on stamps. If you sign up for automatic payments, it's a good idea to plan [...]

Jun 21, 2017

Why Arizona Consumers should Avoid Building Debt with Store-Branded Credit Cards

June 21st, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Brick and mortar retailers are scrambling to stay afloat, but one of their tactics is just plain bad for consumers. It appears that many retailers are relying more and more on profits generated from store-branded credit cards. In fact, it’s difficult to go through any check-out line in an Arizona mall without being presented with [...]

Jun 20, 2017

Why Georgia Consumers May have to Fight Even Harder against Abusive Debt Collectors in the Next Few Years

June 20th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Georgia consumers know all-too well what it’s like to deal with unscrupulous debt collection agencies. In fact, some experts have gone so far as referring to the Peach State a “haven for abusive debt collectors.” Now, it looks like the whole country may start to experience more debt collector abuse. Even though several of the [...]

Jun 19, 2017

How long will it take for Your Credit Score to Update if You Recently Paid Off Debt in Ohio?

June 19th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

A lot of Ohio consumers are working hard to pay off debt and boost their credit scores. There’s a lot of relief that comes with paying off a big chunk of debt. Afterwards, though, you might get a little impatient waiting for your credit score start showing improvement. The time it takes for your credit [...]

Jun 16, 2017

If a Michigan Consumer Disputes something on a Credit Report, Does it come off?

June 16th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

If you’re a Michigan consumer who’s working on improving a low credit score, you should be monitoring your credit reports. It’s important to know your credit scores too (yes, you have more than just 1), but remember that this three digit number only represents a snapshot of what’s contained in one of your credit reports. [...]

Jun 15, 2017

5 Credit Report Errors that can bring Down the Credit Scores of Arizona Consumers

June 15th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

As an Arizona consumer who’s working to earn and maintain a good credit score, checking your credit reports is essential. This is the only way to be sure that everything that has been reported is accurate, and that there are no errors bringing down your credit score. How common are errors on credit reports? Believe [...]

Jun 14, 2017

Six Misconceptions that Some Georgia Consumers May Have about their Credit Scores

June 14th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

It’s important for Georgia Consumers to have their facts straight when it comes to credit. Getting the right information about your credit reports and credit score will help you to maintain good credit or repair bad credit. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about credit scores out there, and sometimes it’s hard to separate [...]

Jun 13, 2017

How Ohio Consumers can Find out if they’ve been Hit with Identity Theft

June 13th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

No one likes to think about the possibility of identity theft, but it’s important to know the warning signs and what do to if your personal data is compromised. Unfortunately, identity theft is still on the rise in Ohio, so Ohio consumers should always be on the lookout for suspicious activity. If you ever do [...]

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