Identity Thefts & Scams

Jun 20, 2017

Why Georgia Consumers May have to Fight Even Harder against Abusive Debt Collectors in the Next Few Years

June 20th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Georgia consumers know all-too well what it’s like to deal with unscrupulous debt collection agencies. In fact, some experts have gone so far as referring to the Peach State a “haven for abusive debt collectors.” Now, it looks like the whole country may start to experience more debt collector abuse. Even though several of the [...]

Jun 19, 2017

How long will it take for Your Credit Score to Update if You Recently Paid Off Debt in Ohio?

June 19th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

A lot of Ohio consumers are working hard to pay off debt and boost their credit scores. There’s a lot of relief that comes with paying off a big chunk of debt. Afterwards, though, you might get a little impatient waiting for your credit score start showing improvement. The time it takes for your credit [...]

Jun 16, 2017

If a Michigan Consumer Disputes something on a Credit Report, Does it come off?

June 16th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

If you’re a Michigan consumer who’s working on improving a low credit score, you should be monitoring your credit reports. It’s important to know your credit scores too (yes, you have more than just 1), but remember that this three digit number only represents a snapshot of what’s contained in one of your credit reports. [...]

Jun 15, 2017

5 Credit Report Errors that can bring Down the Credit Scores of Arizona Consumers

June 15th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

As an Arizona consumer who’s working to earn and maintain a good credit score, checking your credit reports is essential. This is the only way to be sure that everything that has been reported is accurate, and that there are no errors bringing down your credit score. How common are errors on credit reports? Believe [...]

Jun 14, 2017

Six Misconceptions that Some Georgia Consumers May Have about their Credit Scores

June 14th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

It’s important for Georgia Consumers to have their facts straight when it comes to credit. Getting the right information about your credit reports and credit score will help you to maintain good credit or repair bad credit. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about credit scores out there, and sometimes it’s hard to separate [...]

Jun 13, 2017

How Ohio Consumers can Find out if they’ve been Hit with Identity Theft

June 13th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

No one likes to think about the possibility of identity theft, but it’s important to know the warning signs and what do to if your personal data is compromised. Unfortunately, identity theft is still on the rise in Ohio, so Ohio consumers should always be on the lookout for suspicious activity. If you ever do [...]

Jun 12, 2017

How Michigan Consumers can Get Delinquent Accounts off their Credit Reports

June 12th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

A lot of good things are happening with the Michigan economy right now. Jobs are opening up, real estate is thriving, and a lot of Michiganders are finally getting ahead financially. However, having bad credit can make it difficult to fully take part in this economic revival. If you’re a Michigan consumer with delinquent accounts [...]

Jun 9, 2017

How New IRS Debt Collection Practices May Get Arizona Consumers Scammed

June 9th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

You’re enjoying a typically beautiful day in sunny Arizona, when you receive a phone call. To your irritation, it’s some type of debt collector claiming that you owe money for delinquent taxes. You quickly hang up the phone because you know the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) never calls consumers about delinquent taxes. It has to [...]

Jun 8, 2017

How Georgia Consumers can keep Medical Debt in Check and Avoid the Number One Reason for Filing Bankruptcy

June 8th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Georgia consumers who are working to keep their finances on track may be surprised to learn that the number one reason for bankruptcy filings has nothing to do with credit card debt. Credit card mismanagement is still a huge problem in the U.S., but medical debt pushes many more consumers into bankruptcy. It’s scary to [...]

Jun 7, 2017

How Ohio College Students can Start Building Credit the Smart Way

June 7th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

The results of a recent study conducted by Equifax shows that the majority of college students (ages 18-24) are actually pretty responsible when it comes to credit card management. However, it’s also pretty clear that young people don't know everything about building and maintaining good credit. If you're currently a college student in Ohio, now [...]

Jun 6, 2017


June 6th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

At Credit Repair Lawyers of America, we have been fixing credit reports for a long time. Actually, 2008 marks our entry into the credit repair arena. We have our names, faces and biographies posted on our website. This way, people know with whom they are doing business. As lawyers, we are required to be honest [...]

Jun 5, 2017

How to Buy a House in Arizona with Bad Credit as a First Time Home Buyer

June 5th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Property values are on the rise, but you can still find plenty of affordable houses for sale in Arizona. There are even options available for first time home buyers. However, if you have bad credit, you may be worried about getting approved for a loan. Luckily, your status as a first time home buyer with [...]

Jun 3, 2017

Georgia Victims of the 2013 Target Data Breach may Get some Satisfaction from the Settlement Reached

June 3rd, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

If it didn’t affect you personally, you may at least know someone who was a victim of the massive Target data breach of 2013. The cyber attackers who were responsible for hacking this major retailer’s computer systems gained access to personal data belonging to over 41 million consumers. This attack left consumers vulnerable to identity [...]

Jun 1, 2017

Ohio Organizations are Offering Bad Credit Borrowers a Credit Building Alternative to Payday Loans

June 1st, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

For a lot of Ohio consumers struggling with bad credit, payday loans have seemed like a necessary evil. Not being able to qualify for a “regular” loan, these consumers can get payday loans to cover emergency expenses, but the convenience of these “easy” loans comes with a big price tag. Consumers who take out payday [...]

Jun 1, 2017

Good News for Consumers in Flint, Michigan Who are Worried about their Credit Scores

June 1st, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

By now, the whole world knows that times have been tough for the residents of Flint, MI. In 2014, faulty pipes allowed dangerous amounts of lead to contaminate the city’s water supply. Recovery has been very slow, and, as of 2017, most Flint residents are still filtering their drinking water. To make the situation even [...]

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