Identity Thefts & Scams

Apr 17, 2017

Why Michiganders Should be Aware of New MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT Credit Reporting Policies

April 17th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Do you have a past-due account that was purchased by Midland Credit Management ("MCM")? If so, you should definitely make yourself familiar with their updated credit reporting practices. As of October 11, 2016, it should be easier for consumers with debt that is owned by MCM to improve their credit. Based in California, Midland Credit [...]

Apr 14, 2017

Arizona Debt Collection Agencies are NOT above the Law

April 14th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Anyone who has ever been bullied by a debt collector will be happy to hear that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently brought the gavel down on yet another unscrupulous agency. American Municipal Services Corporation and its owners, Lawrence Bergman and Gregory Pitchford, have been slapped with a $350,000 penalty for engaging in illegal collection [...]

Apr 13, 2017

Identity Theft is a HUGE Problem in Georgia

April 13th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

The good news is that you live in the beautiful state of Georgia, but the bad news is that identity theft is still on the rise in the Peach State. In 2016, Georgia was ranked number three in the nation for identity theft complaints, with Atlanta coming in at number 13 among large metro areas. [...]

Apr 13, 2017

Michiganders Have a lot of Complaints about Credit and Debt Issues

April 13th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Attorney General Bill Schuette has recently released the annual Top Ten Michigan Consumer Complaints for 2016. Once again, credit and financial concerns dominate the list with a total of 12,217 complaints received in this category. Within this category, it appears that Michigan consumers are most concerned about debt collection and credit reporting, having filed 641 [...]

Apr 11, 2017

Consumers Beware: Credit Card Shimmers have Reached Arizona

April 11th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

While sounding like accessories that fashionable 20-somethings might use to bling out their plastic, credit card “shimmers” are actually new identity theft tools. Experts report that these tiny, illegal devices have been found throughout the valley, and they may be coming soon to a gas station near you. How Skimmers and Shimmers are Different You [...]

Apr 10, 2017

Has a Credit Check Caused You to Lose a Job Opportunity in Georgia?

April 10th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Believe it or not, some employers run credit checks on job applicants, and they might base their decision on what they find. Many qualified candidates have lost out on positions because of blemishes on their credit reports. Because this practice is often viewed as discriminatory, 11 states have outlawed or placed strict restrictions on employer [...]

Apr 7, 2017

Michiganders Beware: Identity Theft is a Big Problem in the Mitten

April 7th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Identity theft is on the rise everywhere, but Michigan residents should be especially on guard against fraudsters. Last year, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Michigan ranked sixth in the nation for ID theft reports, with 15,684 filed. So, why are so many Michiganders being targeted for identity theft? Experts believe that it has [...]

Apr 6, 2017

How Arizonians can Protect Themselves against Harassing Debt Collectors

April 6th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Back in 2011, the Arizona statute of limitations for credit card debt collection doubled. So, debt collectors can sue consumers for up to six years after an account is delinquent. This gives collection agencies a long time to threaten and harass you before taking you to court. Fortunately, a law was created to protect consumers [...]

Apr 4, 2017

How the Georgia Industrial Loan Act Fights Predatory Lending

April 4th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

  Have you ever heard the term “predatory lending?” It might make you think of big animals with big teeth. And maybe that $200 you need to make it until your next payday is in the mouth of the meanest looking gator you’ve ever seen. You really need the cash, and the money’s right there, [...]

Mar 27, 2017


March 27th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (known as the CFPB) hit Experian with a whopping $3 million penalty this week for lying and cheating consumers.  Experian has been hawking the sale of credit scores that it told consumers were actually used by lenders.  It turns out that these scores were NOT the ones used by the [...]

Mar 20, 2017


March 20th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that a debt collector is liable for the illegal actions of its attorneys and other agents that are taken on the debt collector’s behalf, as long as the attorney or agent is also acting as a debt collector.  In that case, Asset Acceptance, LLC, [...]

Mar 13, 2017

How are FICO Scores Determined and What It Says about You

March 13th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

One question we hear a lot is how is a credit score determined.  Credit Scores used to be determined by Fair Isaac Credit Organization also known as “FICO.”  This company came around in the 1950s by hiring some very smart math guys who analyzed consumer credit habits.  In more recent years, the credit bureaus started [...]

Mar 6, 2017


March 6th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Identity thieves prey on the vulnerable and unsuspecting.  Sadly, these low life identity crooks have recently targeted minors as easy targets for identify theft. While many adults keep tabs on their own credit history by periodically reviewing their credit report, most take for granted that the credit histories of their minor children are spotless. However, [...]

Feb 27, 2017

Discover the Secrets of how to read your Credit Report

February 27th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

Discover the Secrets of how to read your Credit Report and What the Credit Agencies are Reporting About You.   How do lenders come up with Credit Scores that determine how much money you can borrow?  Under the Law, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your credit reports are accurate and quite frankly, that’s [...]

Feb 20, 2017


February 20th, 2017|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score, Debt Issues, Identity Thefts & Scams|

GC Services, a national debt collector, has agreed to pay $700,000 to the federal government as a civil penalty for its debt collection harassment practices and other illegal tactics to collect debts.  GC Services is a large debt collection agency with a dedicated student loan division.  The lawsuit against GC Services alleges that it left [...]

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