Feb 22, 2018

How Georgia Consumers Can Protect their Finances and Credit Scores by Avoiding Impulse Buying

February 22nd, 2018|Credit Repair, Credit Score|

Buying an item or two on a whim here and there seems pretty harmless. In fact, most Georgia consumers who habitually engage in impulse buying don’t see the danger in their actions. Eventually, they rack up high credit card balances, run out of money to pay bills on time, and damage their credit scores over [...]

Feb 2, 2018

Why Minnesota Consumers Should Remember that the Identity Theft Threat Doesn’t End with the Equifax Promotions

February 2nd, 2018|Identity Thefts & Scams|

The Equifax free credit monitoring sign-up has ended, but that doesn’t mean that the identity theft threat caused by the security breach is over.

Feb 2, 2018

Why Debt Settlement Companies Don’t Offer the Perfect Solution for all Indebted New York Consumers

February 2nd, 2018|Debt Issues|

They seem good in theory, but here are the reasons why debt settlement companies don’t offer the perfect solution for all indebted New York consumers.

Feb 1, 2018

What California Consumers Should Know about the Pitfalls of Paying Off Credit Cards with Credit Cards

February 1st, 2018|Credit Score, Debt Issues|

There are several pitfalls associated with paying off credit cards with credit cards in California, and here are a few of the most common risks.

Feb 1, 2018

Should Georgia Consumers Use Personal Loans or Balance Transfer Credit Cards to Pay Off Heavy Credit Card Debt?

February 1st, 2018|Debt Issues|

Here’s a good question: Should Georgia consumers use personal loans or balance transfer credit cards to pay off heavy credit card debt?

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