Jul 5, 2022

Credit Repair Services in Georgia– Top 4 tips on How to Choose a Legitimate company

July 5th, 2022|Credit Repair|

Shopping for credit repair services in Georgia can be tricky.  The industry is rife with thieves, charlatans, and con artists.  Yet, there are also some very legitimate players as well.  So how can you tell a legit credit repair company from a non-legit one?  Follow these rules, and you will be able to find a [...]

Jun 21, 2022

Why Credit Repair Lawyers of America now files Bankruptcies for Consumers

June 21st, 2022|Bankruptcy|

Bankruptcy Attorneys don’t mean to lie to their consumer clients, but many of them do.  “With bankruptcy, you will get a fresh financial start” many of them proudly proclaim and even post that buzz phrase on their websites.  “Get a Fresh Financial Start.”  Here is the problem.  Many times, it does not give people a [...]

May 5, 2022

Top 7 Tips for purchasing a used car.

May 5th, 2022|Crap Cars|

Shopping for a used car today is a dangerous thing.  Since the pandemic, new car inventory is at an all time low, forcing dealers to purchase used cars.  These used cars often come from rental car agencies, police departments and insurance companies unloaded cars that were declared totaled and received a salvage title.  A salvage [...]

Apr 29, 2022

Why credit repair companies can’t fix your credit reports

April 29th, 2022|Credit Repair, Credit Score|

Credit repair is a service that is desperately needed.  The credit bureaus report inaccurate information on 80% of credit reports.  Half of those inaccuracies depress peoples’ credit scores.  If you have a common name like “John Smith”, there is a good chance that someone else’s information is on your credit report.  If the other John [...]

Mar 4, 2022

Is EquityExperts.org slipping in defending against the flurry of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act lawsuits?

March 4th, 2022|Debt Issues|

On September 12, 2019, the United States District Court for the Northern District of GA entered a default judgment against EquityExperts.org for $147,702.35.  On December 22, 2021, it was domesticated here in Michigan, meaning that its now ripe for collection.  The Plaintiffs are Jeffrey and Pamela Cross.  Docket number 1:17-cv-03804. About EquityExperts.org This is a [...]

Feb 11, 2022

When Debt that you have settled still damages your credit illegally

February 11th, 2022|Credit Repair|

Many people, unfortunately, get in over their heads in debt.  When that happens, the creditor often agrees to settle the debt for less.  Lately, we have been seeing several lawsuits against creditors who continue to report debts that they have settled with consumers as still open and late.  This hurts a credit score greatly. When [...]

Jan 24, 2022

If you have ever filed for bankruptcy and Webbank is a creditor, your credit report may be illegally damaged by them.

January 24th, 2022|Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Credit Score|

Last year and 2020 were not great years for Webbank for its customers who had filed for bankruptcy.  Numerous lawsuits had been filed against Webbank for improperly reporting a discharged debt or a settled debt as open and late. So Who or What is “Webbank”? Webbank is the bank that finances companies like Fingerhut, Dell [...]

Jan 20, 2022

Gloves come off – The CFPB and Lexington file cross Motion for partial Summary Judgment in CFPB v Lexington Law.

January 20th, 2022|Credit Repair|

Background The CFPB has accused Lexington Law of violating the Telemarketing Sales Rule.  Under the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”), a regulation created by the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) under the Telemarketing Sales Act, credit repair companies: must tell the consumer how long the credit repair company’s services will take; cannot charge “any fee or consideration” [...]

Jan 18, 2022

The CFPB is now coming after sellers of paid credit repair programs. Multilevel marketing company agents and owners, beware!

January 18th, 2022|Credit Repair|

Just last September in 2021, the CFPB filed a lawsuit against Credit Repair Cloud and Daniel Rosen (“CRC”), its owner, for violating the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”).  The TSR prohibits credit repair companies from charging fees in advance of providing and completing services for a consumer.  Completion of service is defined as six months after [...]

Nov 15, 2021

Your Bankruptcy May Not Have Given You That Fresh Start You Wanted. Here’s Why

November 15th, 2021|Credit Score|

5 Reasons That Might Hold You Back From Getting a Fresh Start Many people who have been drowning in debt have been seduced by their bankruptcy attorney to get a “fresh start” by filing for Chapter 7 or 13. The promises of discharging debts who have been hounding consumers for years has had great appeal, but [...]

Oct 26, 2021

The CFPB Vs Credit Repair Cloud… Could You Be Next?

October 26th, 2021|Credit Repair|

CFPB's Lawsuits: Could You, a Customer Or Seller Of Credit Repair, Be Next? Since 2019, the CFPB has filed several lawsuits against credit repair companies that do not observe the Telemarketing Sales Rules (“TSRs”). In short, the TSRs prohibit a credit repair company from collecting fees from a consumer until 6 months after the credit repair [...]

Oct 19, 2021

Why You Should No Longer Pay Monthly For Credit Repair

October 19th, 2021|Credit Repair|

Are Monthly Fees Illegal In Credit Repair? In a word…it's illegal. OK, that’s really 2 words. Either way, it’s just not legal for a credit repair company to charge you on a monthly basis for credit repair. Mention the phrase “Telemarketing Sales Rules'' and your credit repair pro and one of two things will happen. [...]

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